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Showing posts from March, 2021

e-Service - 28 March 2021 PALM SUNDAY

Mexborough Baptist Church Sunday 28th March 2021 Palm Sunday We've almost arrived at Jerusalem, our cloaks and palm branches ready to welcome Jesus our coming King. Click on the links 1. Lift up your head to the coming king    2. Glory To The Lord Our God   Saviour, we thank you that on the first Palm Sunday you rode as the King who comes in peace but unmistakably as the King. O Christ, who once rode humbly into Jerusalem, we salute you in your heavenly majesty.   For those who followed your royal progress that day and for those who follow it still, your royalty is unforgettable.   O Christ, who once rode humbly into Jerusalem, we salute you in your heavenly majesty.   Even while in faith and hope we must wait for your coronation at the end of time.   O Christ, who once rode humbly into Jerusalem, we salute you in your heavenly majesty. Amen.   The Bible Story of the Triumphal Entry of Jesus into Jerusale...

e-Service - 21 March 2021

Mexborough Baptist Church Sunday 21st March 2021 Fifth Sunday in Lent   As we approach our service today, Lord, we pray, “Come, Holy Spirit, and breathe new life into our hearts and minds. By your Holy Spirit equip each of us to offer the praises you deserve, and set our worship on fire, for your glory’s sake." Amen. Though we are scattered, we unite together and sing a morning hymn of praise " When Morning Gilds The Skies " followed by " Majesty, Worship His Majesty " please click on the links   Family Corner   God is amazing! Incredibly, wonderfully amazing! WOW! So amazing because he gave the gift of his only Son to the world - that's you and me and every other person on the planet, whatever their colour, tribe, nation, language, from the youngest to the oldest! God freely gave us this precious gift. click on the link   When God's Son Jesus came into the world, he did what his Father wanted him to do - some incredibly, wonderfully amazing thi...

e-Service - 14 March 2021

Mexborough Baptist Church Sunday 14th March 2021 Fourth Sunday in Lent - Mothers Day   We welcome everyone to our service wherever you are in the world. We are all special to God and our first song tells us that 'He's Got the Whole World in His Hands' click on the link     In the UK today, it's Mothers Day or Mothering Sunday, traditionally (at least from the early 20th century) a special day to spoil our Mums with flowers and chocolates or even a nice meal, to thank them for being the wonderful people they are and for all the things they do for us.     This week our children received activity bags to help them spoil their Mums for Mother's Day.... Here's Arla making a sandwich for (with) Mummy click on the link     Noah and Seth have been busy as well....  Cheryl and Angela lead us in our prayers....   Loving God, thank you for mothers and families, and for the joy of family life. We also th...

e-Service - 7 March 2021

Mexborough Baptist Church Sunday 7th March  2021 Third Sunday in Lent We continue our consideration of the journeys of Jesus. Merys will be sharing with us about two journeys Jesus made to events that are part of real life, events that we have all probably attended. Jesus went to a wedding with His earthly family and was late for a funeral! We will also be celebrating communion; you might like to get your bread and wine/juice ready now. Have your Bible open in the New Testament at John chapter 1.   Are you like me, even in lockdown the time flies and the days merge into each other. Let us still ourselves and focus on the Lord as we listen to the music and read the words of 'Holy, Holy, Holy Is The Lord'  click on the link     Enid leads us in a prayer...   Almighty God, we come today to celebrate the wonder of your holiness, your glory, your power and your love. We rejoice that you offer us a peace that, in our own strength, we cannot win, deserve, or ...

World Day of Prayer 2021

Today is the World Day of Prayer.    Please join in this prayer of confession written by the women of Vanuatu...   Let us confess our wrong actions to God, who is faithful and just, and ask for forgiveness.   Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. We stand before your house of grace to confess our sins. We confess that we have listened to your word but have not acted on it. Often, we do the things we ought not to do and leave undone the things we ought to do.   We face adversities and challenges in our homes and nations. We try to build our homes, thinking we are building on the words of Jesus Christ, but actually we have built on the sand. We want to be changed so that we do what is right and just.   Creator God, we confess that we have polluted the environment and harmed the sea creatures by throwing rubbish into their habitats. We endanger the marine life and ruin sustainable livelihoods. We confess and regret our actions, and we commit...