Unfortunately the Covid-19 pandemic has caused many of our usual services and activities to be suspended however we are now happy to re-introduce the following:
We are now able to meet in church to worship together again. We have a regular Sunday morning service at 10:30am, with communion being shared on the last Sunday in each month.
On the first Sunday in each month we hold an afternoon service at a local supported living establishment for our members and friends who would not otherwise be able to attend and fellowship.
Mustard Seeds Playgroup meets every Monday morning during term time from 09:30-11am, for babies and children aged 0-3 years and their parent or carer. You can connect with our Children's Ministry Social Media page here.
We are home to the 24th Doncaster (1st Mexborough) Scout groups.
Beavers (6-8 years), Cubs (8-10.5 years) and Scouts (10.5-14 years) meet Monday evenings during term-time. You can connect with them via their Social Media page here.
We regularly host a local ministry named Love Mexborough who aim to show the love of Jesus to our town. They provide family fun days and activities and use our building to host a free-of-charge Community Meal every Tuesday evening from 5-6pm. You can connect with them via their Social Media page here.
Although our other activities remain suspended, we are just as active in caring and supporting each other as we always have been. Here are some of the things we're doing in this time:
- We have been producing a weekly service which is emailed or printed and hand delivered to our members - please do let us know if you'd like to receive one.
- We have entered the world of Social Media with our new Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram pages, as well as our YouTube for children's crafts and this website!
- We are supporting each other in prayer and have a dedicated email several times a week, with prayer points for our local area and people.
Check back here for details of any updates to our services and activities.
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