Mexborough Baptist Church Sunday 3rd January 2021
Happy New Year to all our friends! We'll be sharing in our first communion of 2021 later in the service. You may like to get your bread and wine/juice ready now.
We're still in the season of Christmas and, as I'm preparing this service, it's snowing! A great opportunity at the beginning of the year to sing that lovely carol 'In the bleak midwinter' click on the link
Dear God, thank you for helping us to make it through the last difficult year. Thank you that you’ve carried us through the uncertainty of deep waters, through the flames of trials, and through the pain of hard losses. We are constantly aware of how much we need you, your grace, your strength, your power working through even the toughest days.
Fill us with your joy and the peace of your Spirit. Direct our hearts and minds towards you. Thank you for your reminder that both in seasons of celebration and in seasons of brokenness, you’re still with us. For you never leave us. Thank you for your daily powerful Presence in our lives, that we can be assured your heart is towards us, your eyes are over us, and your ears are open to our prayers. Thank you that you surround us with favor as with a shield, and we are safe in your care. Amen.
Debbie McDaniel,
Family Corner
Our children have really enjoyed the Advent, Christmas and New Year activity bags which Lisa prepared. Here are Ashleigh's children with their New Year craft, which they put together in one picture to be on display throughout the whole year....
Reflections for 2021
All the reports about the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn around the shortest day, 21st December 2020, got me thinking about stars and some of my favourite passages in the Bible. One of them is Psalm 19 and here is a responsive version of part of this psalm. Let us share this together.
The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
Day after day they pour forth speech;
night after night they reveal knowledge.
They have no speech, they use no words;
no sound is heard from them.
Yet their voice goes out into all the earth,
their words to the ends of the world.
In the heavens God has pitched a tent for the sun.
It is like a bridegroom coming out of his chamber,
like a champion rejoicing to run his course.
It rises at one end of the heavens
and makes its circuit to the other;
nothing is deprived of its warmth.
Keep your servant also from wilful sins;
may they not rule over me.
Then I will be blameless,
innocent of great transgression.
May these words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart
be pleasing in your sight,
O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.
Please read Philippians 2:12-16.
Many of us don't see the stars because we live in towns and cities where the light pollution hides all but the brightest. If you've ever been out on moor or mountain, remote from any towns, with a clear night sky above you, you'll have seen many, many more stars. That's the sky Abraham was looking at when God told him to count the stars and said, "So shall your offspring be." Genesis 15:5. That's the sky David was looking at when he wrote Psalm 19. That's the sky Paul was looking at when he wrote to the Christians in Philippi about them shining "like stars in the universe." v15.
Depending on which translation you're reading, Paul uses the present or the future tense and both are appropriate. In the present tense the Philippians shine, they are shining. In the same way, in the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus said to his disciples "You are the salt of the earth ... you are the light of the world." Matthew 5:13,14. Whether you like it or not, whether you feel like it or not, if you are a Christian, you are salt, light, and a star.
But how do we Christians shine like stars? We shine with our lives and our lips! By our deeds and our words, we are as unique and attractive as stars are against the blackness of the night sky. In a society that is invariably selfish, we are sacrificial. In a society that prizes personal ambition and achievement, we are humble. In a society that increasingly concerns itself with looking after Number 1, we are looking after others. And in a society that increasingly regards the Christian faith as either a myth or morally wrong, we are explaining and defending its truth.
Or are we? Jesus warns the disciples not to lose their saltiness and tells them to let their light shine. Matthew 5:13-16.
Paul - in the future tense - tells the Philippians that they will shine like stars, depending on how they live and speak. Paul tells them to "Do everything without grumbling or arguing so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation.” Not easy, is it? How often do we grumble or argue, thinking we know better? If that's the first step, how are we going to become blameless and pure, without fault?
It's a matter of “working out your salvation with fear and trembling” v12. Please note that Paul is not saying we work for our salvation. Our salvation is a gift of God, which we receive when we first put our faith in Jesus. But we work out our salvation as we live for Jesus in the years that follow. It's about working out the full implications of being a disciple of Jesus. In our daily life we need to work out and live out the full implications of following him. "What does it mean?" is not a question we ask once when we become Christians. It's an ongoing question. What does it mean to be a disciple of Jesus when there's something shady going on at work? What does it mean to be a disciple of Jesus when my husband/wife/brother/sister/son/daughter/best friend think he's just a myth or fairy story? What does it mean to be a disciple of Jesus when something awful (or wonderful) happens? Among other things, it involves resisting temptation, fighting against our sinful instincts, and needs courage to resist peer pressure.
When we get the answers to those ongoing questions right, we shine like stars. And it's great if people look at us and are impressed by our lifestyle. It's even better if people hear us speak of Jesus and are attracted to our Saviour. Paul talks about "holding out" the word of life. Again, it's a present tense and a condition- "you shine like stars in the universe as you hold out the word of life." Because you're a star you hold out the word of life; because you hold out the word of life you're a star. Paul expects the Christians in Philippi to be sharing their faith with others - telling their colleagues, friends and neighbours the good news of the Gospel: the good news that through faith in Jesus anyone can become God’s forgiven friend forever.
Let's all shine like stars this year. Our memory verse for this year is
It's not just the children who have been enjoying the activities, parents and grandparents have been getting involved as well. Marie (grandmother) helped Noah and Seth build their nativity. The stars were made by Elsie and her friend.
These reminded me of two songs, please click on the links and sing along
1. Twinkle twinkle star so bright
At this first communion of 2021, we remember that Jesus gathered with his friends in an upper room. They shared a meal together. Then, as darkness fell, Jesus broke some bread and took some wine and asked his friends to remember him every time they broke bread together. And because we are his disciples today, we remember that story and how the story continues today. We remember Jesus as we break this bread and drink this wine. We are doing as Jesus asked us to do and we are glad to do so.
Great God of all the things you have created, we take the simplest food and find you with us as we eat and drink. In the great story of Jesus we hear your love for us being retold and we remember all Jesus has done for us because of that love. For this gift of bread and wine reminds us of all those other gifts you have given us. And so we thank you that you have called us your children, sharing with us a love that is more powerful than the universe, and that you sit here with us, blessing us in bread and wine. Amen.
We sing together 'Lord Jesus Christ you have come to us' click on the link
Jesus took bread and broke it saying: ‘This is my body broken for you. Remember me when you do this.’ Eat the bread
And Jesus took wine and lifted it saying: ‘This cup is a symbol of my covenant with you. Remember me when you drink from it.' Drink the wine/juice
Thank you for the life of Jesus - son of Mary, child of God;
for the way he opened to us as our suffering path he trod;
for his fatal, firm obedience leading to that cross of wood;
and the joyful, hopeful radiance shining from our risen Lord.
Here we join with all creation in the endless hymn of praise.
Every age and every nation all as one their voices raise:
'Holy, holy, Lord almighty, you are God of power and might.
Heaven and earth are filled with glory; through earth's darkness floods your light."
David Goodbourn
Merys now leads us in prayer ...
Dear Father, we come before you today with glad and grateful hearts for all that you do for us each and every day. Last year we faced challenges and uncertainty that we had never before come across. The one constant in this has been Your presence. We have not been able to worship, pray and study together in Your church on Windhill but Your love for us means we can still be Your church in our homes. Thank you for the blessings that You have bestowed upon us during these strange times. Our worship and prayers for one another have strengthened our church community and given You joy as You see our care for one another. We are also blessed by knowing that our faith in You has shown us ways to support our families and friends through prayer. If it pleases You, may we continue to share Your love with one another and the community in which we live. May we be your stars here on earth reflecting Your mercy and hope for the coming year. Please give us the words and skills to comfort and support one another and our friends and families. We are cheered that concerns regarding our relationship with our European neighbours have been resolved; we know that an effective vaccine is even now being distributed and we see Your hand in this. Our courage to move forward is built on the knowledge that You are with us always and will guide our path and catch us if we fall. On nights when the sky is clear we can see the millions of stars that You flung out in heaven and marvel at Your immense power. When the sky is cloudy we can’t see the stars but we know they are still there just like we know You, Father, are always there. Dear Father, stay with us as we step into the New Year. Let us walk with You for You are our God and we are your people and we are glad of it. May everything that we do be pleasing to You so that we may be blessed by You.
Think about one thing that you would like to do this year to strengthen your relationship with God and pray for that.
Dear Father, we go now into this new year knowing that You will bless our endeavour to move closer to You, to continue to love and pray for one another and to shine Your love in our families and communities. May Your Holy Spirit continue to protect us and give us the power to do Your work. All this we ask through the sacrifice of Your precious son and our Saviour Jesus Christ, Amen.
Our closing song is 'From Heaven You Came (Servant King)' click on the link
Angela leads us...
May the Lord bless you so abundantly that you fall to your knees in thankfulness.
May the Lord heal your broken heart that you dance in the shadows.
May the Lord reveal his amazing plans for you and you hear him.
May the Lord renew your strength that you may have his power to stand firm.
May the Lord give you peace that you may rest in him.
May you know the Lord deeper this year than last year.
May you be all that God has created you to be, no matter the season you are in.
May God be with you all. Amen.
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