Mexborough Baptist Church Sunday 4th April 2021
Easter Sunday
Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! Hallelujah!
We welcome everyone to this wondrous day and join with Christians all over the world to celebrate the resurrection as we sing together - as loudly as you want! - 'Jesus Christ is risen today' click on the link
Jesus really has risen from the dead. He is alive for evermore, Amen! click on the link
The children are enjoying their Easter crafts and Easter eggs (kindly donated by Spar) and a booklet - 'The First Easter'. Look out for pictures in the EXTRA. If you would like to know what the children have been up to, here's an image of the activity craft sheet.
You may wonder what eggs have got to do with Easter. Have you ever heard of Resurrection Eggs? I hadn't until I saw these eggs full of surprises click on the link
Wow! Jesus is alive! Let's praise Him and sing 'He's Alive, He's Alive' click on the link
This last year has been tough - covid pandemic, millions worldwide have died, many more millions have suffered and still suffer with the virus, lockdowns, unemployment, furlough, our second Easter not in our church building - we may be wondering what difference Jesus' resurrection makes. Here is a poem for Easter that gives an answer "FREE" click on the link
Please read Matthew 28:1-10, Mark 16:1-8, Luke 24:1-12, John 20:1-8
I very much appreciated the Lent reflections Merys shared with us each Sunday, leading up to when Jesus entered Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. I've also appreciated the reflections for each day of Holy Week, leading into Good Friday, Restful Saturday and now to this glorious resurrection day, Easter Sunday. Christ is Risen, He is risen indeed! And because He is risen, He is the only one who can save us. Here is a wonderful testimony of a young woman's life changed by Jesus' saving power click on the link
May we all be changed and know deeply for ourselves what Jesus did for us, and why He did it.
On our regular walks, Paul and I have marvelled at the beauty of the seasons, they each have a message of their own. The most spectacular for me is Spring, when the flowers and trees are bursting with new life, showing off their brightly coloured blooms and blossom. There are carpets of daffodils everywhere. One of my favorite spots is opposite the petrol station on Doncaster Road, a carpet of bright yellow daffodils on the green grass sheltered by trees with pink and white blossom - beautiful. Another is Mexborough Cemetery and its spectacular floral displays on special occasions.
Another interest on our walks is noting interesting buildings. On one walk recently we noticed a cross had broken off and was dangling on the roof of a church building. Unless you look up, which we don't always (looking out for dog poo!), you don't get to see these crosses. How many of you have noticed the crosses on the roof of our own church building? How many crosses does our building have in total? There are 5 altogether! Crosses are interesting aren't they?
When we got married my Aunt was most put out that there wasn't a cross anywhere to be seen inside the church and thought it was too plain. She said it wasn't a church without a cross somewhere in the main meeting hall.
It's forbidden to wear a cross in some places of work. Generally it's becoming unusual to see people wearing one. On the other hand, there are people who wear a cross all the time as a visible outward sign that they're Christians. Some people carry a cross in their pocket. Mary made 100 'cross in my pocket' to be shared in Easter craft bags and here's what someone who received one said click on the link
It's forbidden to wear a cross in some places of work. Generally it's becoming unusual to see people wearing one. On the other hand, there are people who wear a cross all the time as a visible outward sign that they're Christians. Some people carry a cross in their pocket. Mary made 100 'cross in my pocket' to be shared in Easter craft bags and here's what someone who received one said click on the link
The cross is the universal sign of Christianity. Why is that? Certainly it's because of the fact that Jesus died on one. It's also because of the significance of His death. Max Lucado said "the horizontal beam reflects the width of his love, the vertical beam reflects the height of his holiness. The cross is the intersection where God forgave his children without lowering his standards."
"God put the wrong on Jesus, who never did anything wrong, so we could be put right with God." 2 Corinthians 5v21.
"God put the wrong on Jesus, who never did anything wrong, so we could be put right with God." 2 Corinthians 5v21.
Jesus didn't have to die, after all He never did anything wrong. He chose to die, to hang on a cross and die a torturous death, not for Himself, but for us, the world, that's everyone!
Max Lucado goes on to say "as boldly as the centre beam proclaims God's holiness, the crossbeam declares his love." Love for the world - everyone!
I cannot emphasise enough that Jesus died for the world, every tribe and tongue; His love has never excluded anyone, even those we may consider the worst of sinners. Paul says we've all sinned (Romans 3:23), and the Bible doesn't measure sin, or categorise it. Sin is sin, and Jesus died for the sins of the world - yours, mine and those before us and after us. Every human on the planet is born into sin. Therefore one day all will give account and confess Jesus is Lord (Romans 14:11-12, Philippians 2:10-11). Did you know that you are engraved in the palms of God's hands (Isaiah 49:16)? Whenever I read this verse, I think of the nail printed scars of Jesus' hands. Engraving and the nail prints cannot be removed - they are there forever. We can all enjoy today every day. His resurrection today is for all time. He cannot die again - the cross is empty. Neither can He rise again - the tomb is empty. He is risen and seated on his throne in heaven, His work finished and His Father pleased with Him.
Such love, pure as the whitest snow,
Such love, weeps for the shame I know,
Such love, paying the debt I owe,
Oh Jesus, such love.
However you are celebrating Easter - sharing with others in your garden, enjoying a lovely roast dinner, indulging in chocolate eggs - please don't forget Jesus who died in agony for you, who rested in the tomb and rose gloriously to life again for you. And let's thank Him for all that He has done for us. You may find the words of this next song will help you to do that - 'Thank You Jesus for the Blood' click on the link
Thank you to Trevor Hughes who now leads us in our Intercessions for Easter...
Christ is Risen, and the power of his resurrection fills the world today with new life, hope and expectation and so we bring him all our needs.
Faithful God, we think of your church today celebrating the Resurrection all over the world. We pray that the Holy Spirit may guide and strengthen us in mission and service, praying that day by day we may grow in love for you and for our brothers and sisters in Christ. As we celebrate the new life of the Resurrection, let us pray for the one true God who brings the promise of eternal life to us all.
Life giving God: Give us a new life in you.
We pray for our churches and for those throughout the world that today stand empty, but like the empty tomb, are alive in the body of our risen Lord and in every home that worships him today.
Life giving God: Give us a new life in you.
We pray that the Church of God be bursting with new life filled with love that takes even even death in its stride; that new and mature Christians together may work in God’s strength for the coming kingdom
Life giving God: Give us a new life in you.
We pray that those of our families and friends who have not yet met you be drawn into your company and introduced, so that they can enjoy your faithfulness and love.
Life giving God: Give us a new life in you.
God of compassion be close to those who are ill, afraid or in isolation. In their loneliness be their consolation; in their anxiety be their hope; in their darkness be their light; through Him who suffered alone on the cross but reigns with you in glory.
Life giving God: Give us a new life in you.
Father, may our lips and our lives express our thanks and praise to you for rescuing us and setting us free to live a new life.
Merciful Father, accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.
On this wonderful day of resurrection we continue to praise the Lord as we sing an Easter Hallelujah click on the link
Faithful God, we think of your church today celebrating the Resurrection all over the world. We pray that the Holy Spirit may guide and strengthen us in mission and service, praying that day by day we may grow in love for you and for our brothers and sisters in Christ. As we celebrate the new life of the Resurrection, let us pray for the one true God who brings the promise of eternal life to us all.
Life giving God: Give us a new life in you.
We pray for our churches and for those throughout the world that today stand empty, but like the empty tomb, are alive in the body of our risen Lord and in every home that worships him today.
Life giving God: Give us a new life in you.
We pray that the Church of God be bursting with new life filled with love that takes even even death in its stride; that new and mature Christians together may work in God’s strength for the coming kingdom
Life giving God: Give us a new life in you.
We pray that those of our families and friends who have not yet met you be drawn into your company and introduced, so that they can enjoy your faithfulness and love.
Life giving God: Give us a new life in you.
God of compassion be close to those who are ill, afraid or in isolation. In their loneliness be their consolation; in their anxiety be their hope; in their darkness be their light; through Him who suffered alone on the cross but reigns with you in glory.
Life giving God: Give us a new life in you.
Father, may our lips and our lives express our thanks and praise to you for rescuing us and setting us free to live a new life.
Merciful Father, accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.
On this wonderful day of resurrection we continue to praise the Lord as we sing an Easter Hallelujah click on the link
And now may the God of peace, who brought back again from the dead our Lord Jesus, equip you with all you need for doing his will. May he produce in you, through the power of Jesus Christ, all this is pleasing to him. To him be glory forever and ever. Amen.
We conclude our Easter day worship by singing that great resurrection hymn 'Thine Be The Glory' click on the link
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