Mexborough Baptist Church Sunday 23rd May 2021
Come, Holy Spirit, come! Renew the face of the earth.
Come, Holy Spirit, come! Renew our lives, inside and out. Renew our faith, renew our relationships, renew our trust in your mercy.
Come, Holy Spirit, come! Renew our lives, inside and out. Challenge us, comfort us, stir us up, calm us down.
Come Holy Spirit, come! Renew our lives, inside and out. With fire and wind, come to this place; gather us in, send us out;
Come Holy Spirit, come! Renew our lives, inside and out. Make our legs stronger, our hands firmer, our hearts wider in love.
Come Holy Spirit, come! Renew the face of the earth. Diane RothWe welcome everyone to this service for Pentecost Sunday, the day when we celebrate God's Holy Spirit coming down upon the disciples of Jesus in wind and fire and a cacophony of praise to God in a whole range of different languages. We have asked the Holy Spirit to come and we now welcome Him as we sing 'Holy Spirit we welcome you' click on the link
People of every nation, language and time zone also welcome Him. Hallelujah! May joyous praises around the world bear witness to God who always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of Him. For we are to God the aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing. 2 Corinthians 2:14-15. We sing together 'All over the World the Spirit is Moving' click on the link
Family Corner
This week the children have received a Pentecost activity craft bag with a mobile made by Maureen and a dove knitted by Mary - many thanks Maureen and Mary. There are stickers in the bag to decorate your mobile. There is also an activity sheet and a picture to colour in. If anyone else would like to have a go at these, they're attached at the bottom of this email for you to print off. We have also put in the bags a selection of craft bits for you to make your own Pentecost picture - here's mine below, with a photo of a mobile as well.
You might be wondering what Pentecost Sunday is all about. Trevor and Judith are going to tell us but, before they do, here is a short video click on the link
Thank you, Judith and Trevor.....
The disciples had been waiting; they had taken Jesus’ prophecy to heart. Since Easter, Jesus’ disciples had been learning to let go of the familiar presence of their teacher and friend. He had assured them that he needed to leave them so he
could send them the Spirit.
could send them the Spirit.
Please read John 14:16-26; 15:26; 16:7-11. Luke 24:49. Acts 1:4-5
They had been waiting in a small room, watchfully and prayerfully, for the nine days since the Ascension, for the Spirit to come. Before that glorious Ascension all they could see was a future without Jesus and they had been filled with grief. Now they waited expectantly, and suddenly the Holy Spirit came to them just as Jesus said he would.
They had been waiting in a small room, watchfully and prayerfully, for the nine days since the Ascension, for the Spirit to come. Before that glorious Ascension all they could see was a future without Jesus and they had been filled with grief. Now they waited expectantly, and suddenly the Holy Spirit came to them just as Jesus said he would.
On the day of Pentecost they heard a noise in the sky, and the force of the Spirit came in great power with surges like wind and fire into the room where they waited and they were drenched with waves of God’s energising love. The Holy Spirit had come, setting the disciples' hearts on fire with love for God and for other people. Suddenly the most important thing to do was to communicate God’s love to those who didn’t know it. They were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in different languages as the Holy Spirit gave them the power to speak (Acts 2:1-4).
The Spirit came not just for specific men and specific tasks (Judges 6:34; 14:6) but for all people for all generations and for all time. His coming was the unfolding of a further vital element in God's strategy for mankind.
The prophecies made by Isaiah (Isaiah 32:15) and Joel (Joel 2:28-32). and the promises made by Jesus about the Holy Spirit became gloriously real on that day of Pentecost.
The Holy Spirit represents power, a power great enough to break through all man-made barriers. We must remember that the disciples fled in fear when Jesus was captured. Even after the resurrection they met behind locked doors ‘for fear of the Jews.’ But after receiving the Holy Spirit they emerged from their hiding place and began witnessing courageously for Christ, before the very people from whom they had been hiding. The disciples were totally transformed people.
Please read Acts 2:5-36
Jews from all over the world were in the city of Jerusalem at that time. When the people heard the joyful apostles a large crowd had gathered. Every person heard the apostles praising God in their own language; they made fun of them, saying they were drunk.
The Spirit came not just for specific men and specific tasks (Judges 6:34; 14:6) but for all people for all generations and for all time. His coming was the unfolding of a further vital element in God's strategy for mankind.
The prophecies made by Isaiah (Isaiah 32:15) and Joel (Joel 2:28-32). and the promises made by Jesus about the Holy Spirit became gloriously real on that day of Pentecost.
The Holy Spirit represents power, a power great enough to break through all man-made barriers. We must remember that the disciples fled in fear when Jesus was captured. Even after the resurrection they met behind locked doors ‘for fear of the Jews.’ But after receiving the Holy Spirit they emerged from their hiding place and began witnessing courageously for Christ, before the very people from whom they had been hiding. The disciples were totally transformed people.
Please read Acts 2:5-36
Jews from all over the world were in the city of Jerusalem at that time. When the people heard the joyful apostles a large crowd had gathered. Every person heard the apostles praising God in their own language; they made fun of them, saying they were drunk.
Filled with the Holy Spirit, Peter addressed the crowd of pilgrims. He told the crowd that he and the other apostles were not drunk but filled with the Holy Spirit. Surprisingly Peter’s words were not of condemnation but instead he conveyed the good news of what God had accomplished through the life, death and the resurrection of Jesus. Peter made a strong point that the crucifixion was not a sign that the forces of evil had won, or that things had got out of God's control. In fact, Peter boldly proclaimed that the crucifixion was part of God’s plan. Out of the greatest evil had come the greatest good.
When the people heard this, they said to Peter and the other apostles, ‘Brothers, what shall we do?’ Peter replied, ‘Repent and be baptised, everyone of you, in the name of Jesus Christ ask for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.'
On that one day in response to that one sermon, about 3,000 people did what Peter told them to do. Not only did they believe and obey at that moment, they continued to live as the apostles told them to, following the apostles' doctrine without wavering or deviating from what the apostles taught them. (Acts 2:37-41).
Pentecost is widely regarded as the birth of the Christian Church. It is the day chosen by the Lord to begin the fulfilment of prophecy (Joel 2:28-32).
When the people heard this, they said to Peter and the other apostles, ‘Brothers, what shall we do?’ Peter replied, ‘Repent and be baptised, everyone of you, in the name of Jesus Christ ask for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.'
On that one day in response to that one sermon, about 3,000 people did what Peter told them to do. Not only did they believe and obey at that moment, they continued to live as the apostles told them to, following the apostles' doctrine without wavering or deviating from what the apostles taught them. (Acts 2:37-41).
Pentecost is widely regarded as the birth of the Christian Church. It is the day chosen by the Lord to begin the fulfilment of prophecy (Joel 2:28-32).
God is still pouring out his Holy Spirit on people every day. Wherever anyone seriously wants to have the powerful love of God living in them, the Spirit will come and fill them. Since that day the Holy Spirit has made our partnership with God a reality.
The Holy Spirit makes miraculous things happen.
Judith and Trevor lead us in our Intercessions....
We are united by the Spirit of God, and as the Spirit enables us we pray and intercede for the needs of others. Together in God’s love we offer our prayers to the Father, for the sake of the Son and through the Holy Spirit.
Creator God, we pray for our world, for its needs and problems, particularly at this time we pray for peace in the Middle East, may leaders be blessed with the grace to abandon prejudices and build bridges of reconciliation. We pray also for unity among nations who are seeking to halt the threat of the pandemic and that the common good of humanity be served by their decisions and actions.
Spirit of the living God: fall afresh on us.
Creator God, we pray for the Spirit of loving kindness to fill our homes. We thank you for the gift of hospitality and for all of the opportunities that we now can share food and fellowship with our families, friends and neighbours. We also give thanks for the Spirit of loving kindness that fills our hospitals, schools and places of work.
Spirit of the living God: fall afresh on us.
Creator God, we pray for the restoration of the sick, give them courage and patience in all suffering. We pray that your healing touch may bring them wholeness and peace.
Spirit of the living God: fall afresh on us.
Creator God, through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, we pray for those who have died, and all who mourn their going. Calm the fears of the dying and have mercy on us all.
Spirit of the living God: fall afresh on us.
Spirit Divine, attend our prayers, and make our homes your home;
Descend with all your gracious powers; O come Great Spirit come.
Lord, the power the disciples were given—
We want it too.
We have seen the way they were changed and strengthened—
and we want that, too.
Will you let your Holy Spirit come to us and fill our lives?
Merciful Father, accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.
The Holy Spirit makes miraculous things happen.
In John 20:21-22 we read that Jesus appeared to his disciples after his resurrection - 'Again Jesus said, “Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.” And with that he breathed on them and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit."' This picture of Jesus breathing the Holy Spirit on the disciples is taken up in our next hymn which is a prayer that he will do the same for us - 'Breathe on me, Breath of God' click on the link
Judith and Trevor lead us in our Intercessions....
We are united by the Spirit of God, and as the Spirit enables us we pray and intercede for the needs of others. Together in God’s love we offer our prayers to the Father, for the sake of the Son and through the Holy Spirit.
Creator God, we pray for our world, for its needs and problems, particularly at this time we pray for peace in the Middle East, may leaders be blessed with the grace to abandon prejudices and build bridges of reconciliation. We pray also for unity among nations who are seeking to halt the threat of the pandemic and that the common good of humanity be served by their decisions and actions.
Spirit of the living God: fall afresh on us.
Creator God, we pray for the Spirit of loving kindness to fill our homes. We thank you for the gift of hospitality and for all of the opportunities that we now can share food and fellowship with our families, friends and neighbours. We also give thanks for the Spirit of loving kindness that fills our hospitals, schools and places of work.
Spirit of the living God: fall afresh on us.
Creator God, we pray for the restoration of the sick, give them courage and patience in all suffering. We pray that your healing touch may bring them wholeness and peace.
Spirit of the living God: fall afresh on us.
Creator God, through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, we pray for those who have died, and all who mourn their going. Calm the fears of the dying and have mercy on us all.
Spirit of the living God: fall afresh on us.
Spirit Divine, attend our prayers, and make our homes your home;
Descend with all your gracious powers; O come Great Spirit come.
Lord, the power the disciples were given—
We want it too.
We have seen the way they were changed and strengthened—
and we want that, too.
Will you let your Holy Spirit come to us and fill our lives?
Merciful Father, accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.
As we pray for the Holy Spirit to come and fill our lives, we also long for Him to come upon our nation. Jesus said that, when He came, the Holy Spirit would "prove the world to be in the wrong about sin and righteousness and judgment." (John 16:8) At various times and in various places, the Holy Spirit has done just that and many people have turned to Jesus, asking him to save them. We call that 'revival' and we long for the Holy Spirit to do that again in our own country and turn many people back to God and His ways. Our closing hymn is a prayer that God will send revival to us - 'O God of burning cleansing flame' click on the link
God of the present, past and future, worshipped and honoured here today, send us out in the power of your Spirit and in the strength of your love, to live and work to your praise and glory. Amen.
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