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e-Service - 1 August 2021

Mexborough Baptist Church Sunday 1st August 2021

Welcome to our service today which includes communion.  If you haven't already, you may like to get your Bible, bread and wine/juice ready now.  
Right at the beginning of our service we bring our praise and worship to Jesus for all that he means to us - 'Shout To The Lordclick on the link  

We're continuing our look at Psalms and later Trevor Mather will be sharing with us his thoughts on Psalm 73Verse 26 of the psalm says, “My flesh and my heart fail: but God is the strength of my heart, and my portion forever.”  We continue to praise God as we sing together 'Strength Will Rise'   click on the link  

O Lord, our God, you are worthy of all our praise. You are the God who never fails to keep his promises. We thank you that in Jesus’ life, death and resurrection we see your love, justice, mercy, provision and victory. You are the God who lifts up those who are weighed down. You are the God who provides for your children. Our desire is to praise you as long as we live. Inhabit our praises as we gather together today. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.  

Family Corner  
The children had great fun with Lisa and Maddie last week making praise shakers and then making a joyful noise to the Lord with them...  

Some of the Psalms encourage us to dance in worship and the children enjoyed dancing as well last week.  Our family song this week is 'Lord Of The Dance' and this version has this beautiful picture as its background...  

Last week Maureen shared with us how, with God's help, she has been able to bless some of the people on her frontline over the last 16 months and how in turn one of her neighbours became a blessing to Maureen.  Another blessing Maureen had was that she also received a bouquet of flowers from an anonymous neighbour; the card says 'Just because'...  

Whatever our particular story is, there are blessings we can count as we sing 'Count your blessings' click on the link   

Please have your Bible open at Psalm 73 as Trevor shares with us his reflections. Thank you, Trevor....  
The author of Psalm 73 is Asaph, a worship leader in the time of King David.  
Verses 1 – 14. In these first fourteen verses, the problem that this Psalm deals with is as old as human history and as new as todays’ newspaper. How often have you thought that when a certain incident has arisen, possibly involving yourself, “There is no justice in the world. Why is it that the good person gets the stick and the bad person gets the goodies?“ It may be that, along with many other people, you can think everything is the wrong way round or upside down in regards to life being fair.
In the first verse of this Psalm, Asaph as a Hebrew, states his belief that God is good to those who follow God’s ways but, as he looks at the world around him, that situation doesn’t ring true between what he believes and what he sees, and asks the question, “Why do the wicked prosper?” v 3, and, if we are honest with ourselves in our minds, we have asked the same question. Why do people with no interest in God, who have life without moral values, seem to be successful, wealthy and happy. They don’t seem to have many worries and troubles and are comfortable with life. They laugh at the mention of God. He doesn’t exist to them. Their success and achievements have made them full of pride and arrogance. Feeling good about themselves and self-assertive leads them to believing they have a right to ride roughshod over the needs of others, leaving a trail of people hurt and livelihoods even destroyed in order for them to retain their wealth and continue to prosper.
In these fourteen verses the Psalmist tells how these thoughts bring him to the point of giving up on what he believes of God and His goodness to those who follow His ways.  Verse 2 indicates to us that doubts had started to creep into his belief in Gods’ goodness.   

Let us pause and take a note. When solid truth grows doubtful in the believer, there is nothing but slippery ground under their feet and that feeling of being very insecure and on the verge of a severe fall. We have all experienced this in a physical way on wintry mornings and it can be the same experience with our spiritual faith, just like the Psalmist. Why had it come about? What had brought him to this? Verse 3 tells us. “For I envied the arrogant, I envied the prosperity of the wicked.” He wanted to be like them. It seemed to Asaph that there was no justice in the world, no moral order, and a man could be as ruthless, selfish, materialistic and immoral, and get away with it Scot free. His envy had brought him to this and he wanted to be like them. What good did it do to be God fearing, devout, obedient and morally good, seemingly without any reward and still having to face life’s struggles, troubles and worries. God’s faithful servant still had no immunity from these things. V. 14. A quote from our daily Bible readings this week tells us “Bring all your frustrations, sense of injustice and being wronged, and leave it with God.
Let's pause and do that right now. When you feel ready, join in singing 'Restore, O Lord, the honour of thy name' click on the link   

In the 2nd part of this Psalm 73, v 15, we see that Asaph has been voicing his feelings before God. At no time had he voiced his distress in public, for in his wisdom, he knew that unresolved doubts can cause harm to another’s faith if rashly spoken in public, so he kept his thoughts and grievances to himself. There is a lesson for us all who care for the wellbeing of the church family, that we seek to work through our doubts and frustrations in private or with close Christian friends or leaders. We have a responsibility to all the fellowship to build each other up in the faith and not to tear down. Ill-considered talk has been the culprit for many a church's division. This is not to say it is wrong to have doubts, but to take the Psalmist's example prayerfully and worshipfully, working through them with God’s help and guidance. Leonard Griffiths in his book, Reactions to God, states, “Many a person disillusioned with God becomes cynical. They stop going to church, which is an unwise thing to do, because they cut themselves off from the spiritual resources which in the end might resolve their doubts and restore their faith. The turning point for the Psalmist's dilemma did not come from dwelling on his past thinking, it came through restoring the relationship with God in worship and prayer, v 17. Worship renews us from inside out. It brings us back on the same wavelength as God in realising His truths can be trusted."

Asaph had begun his psalm with a solid truth, verse 1. “Surely God is good to His people, to those who are pure in heart.” However, he had lost sight of this truth when he took his eyes off God and looked at the ways of the world around him. Jesus, in Matthew ch 5 v 8 said, “Blessed are the pure in heart” – not because they would get rich, but because they would “see God.” Through the remaining verses of the psalm, God opens up the mind of the Psalmist to see eternal values and the judgement of God upon the arrogant and wicked. Asaph now understood where their final destiny would be. It was they who were on a slippery ground and heading for a severe fall v 17, 18. Compared to eternity, their riches, wealth and their way of living was just like the twinkling of an eye. Their legacy on earth in God's eyes was just like a dream that when, on waking, no-one remembers. A mere fantasy. Verse 19 & 20. In the verses 23-26, Asaph begins to evaluate the way his thinking had led him away from God. He scolds himself for his stupidity and ignorance in thinking God was not interested and had no care for mankind’s grievances in their life and that he himself almost let go of God. Left to himself he had been in danger of slipping into those worldly ways of the arrogant and the wicked. How near he had been to such a fall was not due to him feverishly clinging to God, but rather the fact that God had not let go of him. In these verses the Psalmist, upon realising what God had done for him, highlights them as a statement of faith in the God who saved him. “Yet, I am always with you. You hold me by my right hand. You guide me with your counsel. Afterwards you will take me into glory.

Do we have that same confidence in the God we worship?  In John’s gospel, ch 10 v 28-30, Jesus echoes the same thing.  “My sheep listen to my voice; I know them and they follow me.  I give them eternal life and they shall never perish: No-one will snatch them out of my hand.  My Father who has given them to me is greater than all.  No-one can snatch them out of my Fathers’ hand.  I and the Father are one."  God is consistent in both the Old and the New Testaments in his unfailing love to those who follow Him.  Asaph, upon realising the faithfulness of God to those who know him, draws his Psalm to a close by proclaiming there is no other God in the heavens but the one whom he worships, and learning from his past errors, where he thinks there is so much on earth he desires that others may have - realises now - that earth has nothing he desires more than his relationship with God.  Knowing that death will eventually come to us all, his hope and confidence that God cares for him will be his strength and his portion forever.  Asaph is expressing that, while the arrogant and wicked in death will lose their wealth, riches and material pleasures, death can never rob him of his God who will remain his treasure for eternity and who will always be his greatest possession.  Until that time arrives, he will keep close to God, for there is no better place to be, than to stay close to the one whom he has found to be faithful and true to his promises.  

It is as true for us today as it was for Asaph that there is nothing better than to stay close to our faithful God. There are many promises of God in the Psalms and the whole Bible and many of the promises are about God's plan of salvation for us and that in the end evil and Satan will be done away with, as our next song reminds us - 'For this purpose Christ was revealed' click on the link 

Communion and intercessions are led for us today by Trevor Hughes....
In the name of God Creator, Redeemer, and Comforter, peace be to this house and to all for whom this is home.
Hear these words of Jesus Christ, "I am the bread of life, anyone who comes to me shall not hunger, anyone who believes in me shall never thirst."
In Luke’s Gospel we read that Jesus, at the table with two of the disciples, took bread and blessed and broke it, and gave it to them, and their eyes were opened, and they recognised the risen Christ in the breaking of the bread. In the Acts of the Apostles we read that as the church was gathered, often in the homes of believers, Christians devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and community, to the breaking of bread, and to prayers.
Jesus Christ, the Bread of Life, we gather at your table to know you in the breaking of the bread.

Scripture tells us that all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, but if we confess our sins we know that God will forgive. We offer our silent prayer of confession (pause for silent prayer) and find comfort in these words: If you repent and believe in God’s redeeming mercy, your sins are forgiven.  Trust in God’s promises and begin anew your life with God and all people, as we say together the prayer Jesus taught us....  
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
for thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory,
forever and ever.  

We remember on the night of his betrayal and desertion Jesus took bread, gave thanks, broke the bread, and gave it to the disciples saying “This is my body which is broken for you. Do this in remembrance of me."
The body of Christ, broken for you.
Take and eat the bread.

In the same way Jesus also took the cup, after supper, saying “This cup is the new covenant in my blood. Do this as often as you drink it in remembrance of me."
The blood of Christ shed for you.
Take and drink the wine/juice.

Eternal God, Heavenly Father, you have graciously accepted us as living members of your Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ, and you have fed us with spiritual food in the Sacrament of his Body and Blood. Send us now into the world in peace, and grant us strength and courage to love and serve you with gladness and singleness of heart. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

In the knowledge that God is here present with us, let us pray together.

Lord, as we bring to you our prayers of intercession, we ask you to open our eyes to behold your glory, open our ears to hear your voice, open our hearts to receive your grace, open our lips to show forth your praise.
Direct our hearts, O Lord, to love you more and more.

We thank you for all in our church family, for each one who serves you in small and quiet ways, and for those reaching out to people in need.  
Direct our hearts, O Lord, to love you more and more.

God of Compassion, we pray for our troubled world, for countries with conflict where people are fleeing for their lives, for people who are starving or those struggling with drought or lack of fresh water. Show us ways where other countries can help bring about urgent action.
Direct our hearts, O Lord, to love you more and more.

Loving God, we bring to you the sufferings of those we hold dear, those struggling to cope, those who are sick either at home or in hospital, those who are lonely or frail. In your great mercy bring them comfort, relief and reassurance that you are always with them.
Direct our hearts, O Lord, to love you more and more.  

Lord, as we go out into this new week, we rejoice that Jesus is the name above all names and that He calls each one of us by name. With that knowledge, whatever circumstances we are facing, enable us to carry out your ministry, reaching out to others in love and respect.
Merciful Father, accept these prayers for the sake of your Son Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Psalm 73 shows us that the way things look isn't the whole story; God is above all these things and his truth and justice will ultimately prevail.  The important thing is for us to stay close to the Lord who is faithful to all his promises.  Apostle Paul tells us in 2 Corinthians 1:20 that "no matter how many promises God has made, they are “Yes” in Christ.  And so through him the “Amen” is spoken by us to the glory of God."  There is no better place to be than 'Standing on the promises'  click on the link    

Heavenly Father, thank You for this reminder in the psalms that wicked men are on a slippery slope to destruction, unless they turn from their wicked ways and trust in Christ for salvation. Thank You Lord for Your never-failing goodness and grace towards us. May we draw ever closer to You and declare the wonderful works of God in the land of the living, knowing that our times are in Your hands and our future is secured for us in heaven. Amen.  
