Mexborough Baptist Church Sunday 12th September 2021
We welcome everyone to our service today. We will be commissioning Lisa and her team for the work in Mustard Seeds, our toddler group which starts tomorrow, and celebrating communion; you may wish to get your bread and wine/juice ready now.
As we gather to worship, we focus on the fact that God is with us; his presence and nearness is the foundation on which we build our lives together as church, the people of God meeting together on Windhill. May we have a greater sense of Jesus' presence as we sing 'Jesus we enthrone you, we proclaim you our King' followed by 'Shout To The Lord' click on the links
Pause and bring your own prayer of worship and adoration to the Lord.
Family Corner
Mustard Seeds is the new name of our toddlers playgroup which will be meeting every Monday morning in term-time. You may be wondering where the name comes from. Well, it comes from something Jesus said in Luke 17:5-6 and here's a video which tells you something more about it click on the link
When we trust in God, whether our faith is big or small, it's important to remember that our God is so big, so strong and so mighty and there's nothing that he cannot do click on the link
Amazing God, You love the tiniest seed and the biggest tree. Thank you for loving us all with such a big love. Help us to remember that the little things we do to love others can make a big difference in the world. Amen.
In Mark 4:30-32 Jesus said, “What shall we say the kingdom of God is like, or what parable shall we use to describe it? It is like a mustard seed, which is the smallest of all seeds on earth. Yet when planted, it grows and becomes the largest of all garden plants, with such big branches that the birds can perch in its shade.”
Lisa is also going to be involved with Mexborough Life Church's toddler group which is called Little Acorns. What grows from little acorns? Mighty oak trees. Mustard seeds and little acorns - tiny things with huge potential. And we can say the same about children, can't we? We can all think of several, maybe many, men and women who have achieved great things in their lives. They all have something in common; every single one of them was a toddler once. Who knows what the toddlers in Mustard Seeds or Little Acorns will become? What will they achieve later in life? At this stage only God knows; He has his plans for each one of these little ones. Our responsibility is to pray for Lisa and the teams and the toddlers and their families. We're going to do that in a moment as we commission the Mustard Seeds team.
When we commission people we formally appoint them to particular roles and give them the responsibility to carry them out. Why? Because we have seen in them gifts, abilities and passion and we have also recognised that God has called them.
Commissioning of Mustard Seeds Team
Recognising the qualifications, experience, gifts and abilities, and the desire of the Mustard Seeds team to share and serve in the life and mission of this congregation, particularly among young children and families, we commission them to this work and pray that God will guide and equip them by His Spirit, that young children and families in this area will be blessed and encouraged.
We come to share in bread and wine. Though scattered, we are joined together by the love the Lord has for each one of us, shown to us by His sacrifice on the cross, for the forgiveness of sin. No matter how much you doubt or how much you believe, the invitation comes from the Lord himself to share in the breaking of bread and the drinking of wine, for it is here that we come to encounter our living Lord Jesus. It is here that He wants us to have that renewed relationship with Him as we experience Him anew. With these thoughts, we sing the hymn 'Behold the Lamb' click on the link
Lord, we come to your table trusting in your mercy and not in any goodness of our own. We are not worthy even to gather up the crumbs under your table, but it is your nature to have mercy and on that we depend, so feed us with the body and blood of Jesus Christ your Son, that we may forever live in him and he in us.
Take the bread and break it. Say – "When we break bread, is it not a means of sharing in the body of Christ?" Take and eat this bread in remembrance that Christ died for you and feed on Him in your hearts by faith with thanksgiving. Eat the bread and offer your own thanksgiving.
Take the wine with the words. "How can I repay the Lord for His benefits to me? I shall lift up the cup of salvation and call on the Lord by name. I shall pay my vows to the Lord in the presence of all His people." Drink and remember that Christ’s blood was shed for you and use your own words of being thankful.
Hear God’s tender words of comfort for you. "Your struggles are ended, your sin is paid for. God will show you His glory, and you will receive the grace of forgiveness at His hand.”
Our next song reminds us that, although grace and forgiveness are free gifts from God to us, they cost him very dearly - 'How deep the Father's love' click on the link
Intercessions led by Trevor Hughes
Let us come before God our Maker, making our prayers to him, through Jesus and in the power of the Holy Spirit.
We pray that our Church may be alive to God’s beckoning, quick to obey His will, and always ready to act in His loving service for the good of the world.
Heavenly Father, you call us each to different work in your kingdom, according to the gifts you’ve bestowed upon us. Today, we pray especially for those you’ve called into leadership, to be leaders and teachers in our church. Keep your call fresh in their hearts renewing and refreshing their spirit for the work ahead.
God in mercy, hear us as we pray.
Father God, we pray for the young and vulnerable in every community and for all in the positions of trust. Today as we pray for the children’s work here in our church, we also pray for childminders, playgroups, local schools, for children’s clubs and the uniformed organisations; protect them from evil with your teaching, loving-kindness and grace.
God in mercy, hear us as we pray.
Father God, we continue to pray for long-term carers and for those they look after, hold the loneliness of the elderly and frail in your great mercy and bring them comfort, relief and reassurance that you are always with them in their troubles.
God in mercy, hear us as we pray.
Father God, make us a caring world, wise in government, honest in promises, far-sighted in the management of resources, and open-hearted in charitable giving.
God in mercy, hear us as we pray.
Lord, we pray for the people of Afghanistan, facing an uncertain and probably dangerous future, praying that there may be a generous response to their needs.
God in mercy, hear us as we pray.
Help us and people throughout the world to comprehend that we are all Your children. We are all brothers and sisters created in Your image and likeness. Guide us to live in harmony with one another, respectful of each other’s human rights and human dignity. We ask this of You. You are a benevolent God and to you do we ascribe glory, to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.
God in mercy, hear us as we pray. Amen.
We pray that our Church may be alive to God’s beckoning, quick to obey His will, and always ready to act in His loving service for the good of the world.
Heavenly Father, you call us each to different work in your kingdom, according to the gifts you’ve bestowed upon us. Today, we pray especially for those you’ve called into leadership, to be leaders and teachers in our church. Keep your call fresh in their hearts renewing and refreshing their spirit for the work ahead.
God in mercy, hear us as we pray.
Father God, we pray for the young and vulnerable in every community and for all in the positions of trust. Today as we pray for the children’s work here in our church, we also pray for childminders, playgroups, local schools, for children’s clubs and the uniformed organisations; protect them from evil with your teaching, loving-kindness and grace.
God in mercy, hear us as we pray.
Father God, we continue to pray for long-term carers and for those they look after, hold the loneliness of the elderly and frail in your great mercy and bring them comfort, relief and reassurance that you are always with them in their troubles.
God in mercy, hear us as we pray.
Father God, make us a caring world, wise in government, honest in promises, far-sighted in the management of resources, and open-hearted in charitable giving.
God in mercy, hear us as we pray.
Lord, we pray for the people of Afghanistan, facing an uncertain and probably dangerous future, praying that there may be a generous response to their needs.
God in mercy, hear us as we pray.
Help us and people throughout the world to comprehend that we are all Your children. We are all brothers and sisters created in Your image and likeness. Guide us to live in harmony with one another, respectful of each other’s human rights and human dignity. We ask this of You. You are a benevolent God and to you do we ascribe glory, to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.
God in mercy, hear us as we pray. Amen.
Today we have talked about tiny things - mustard seeds and little acorns - and God who is so big, so strong and so mighty. As we come to the end of our service, we praise God and sing 'To God be the glory' click on the link
The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance upon you, and give you his peace. AMEN.
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