Mexborough Baptist Church Sunday 26th September 2021
On Tuesday evening there was a beautiful red sky. Paul took this picture over Mexborough on our walk. We all love to see a sky like this with its promise of good weather for the next day - "Red sky at night, shepherd's delight." We've had some glorious days and nights recently and the harvest is now safely gathered in. We had a wonderful harvest thanksgiving service in church last Sunday and we hope that those of you who joined in the service by email were also blessed. Adam from Love Mexborough sent us this picture of our harvest gifts...
Our harvest gifts went into food parcels which were distributed at the beginning of the week by Love Mexborough to local families who were very grateful. Thank you to you all for your generosity.
In church today Chris Whiteley, a retired Baptist minister, is leading the service and preaching. For those of us who receive the email service, we are continuing with the theme of harvest which gives us an opportunity to sing some more of the harvest hymns we love. Our first hymn was written in the 19th century by Henry Alford (1810-1871) who was Dean of Canterbury - 'Come, ye thankful people, come' click on the link
We thank God for our physical harvest and thank him for our daily bread in the words of the Lord's prayer.
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
for thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory,
forever and ever. Amen.
Folliott Sandford Pierpoint (1835-1917) was a classical scholar who lived a rather leisurely life in the lovely town of Bath. Apparently in the spring of 1863 he was sitting on a hill outside Bath admiring the view of the countryside and the River Avon. Inspired by the view he wrote 'For the beauty of the earth' click on the link
Bible Reading - Matthew 9:35-38
Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness. When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”
We’re used to an evangelistic interpretation of these few verses, aren’t we? This week I came across a blog by Benjamin L Corey who sees these verses slightly differently and got me thinking.
Corey points out that the meaning of harvest in Scripture has two main aspects: God’s provision for us and God’s blessing for others. While we celebrate a harvest season just once a year, we experience the spirit of harvest all the time. Each day that we go to work and earn a salary, we experience harvest. Each time we receive love from our family and friends, we experience harvest. Each time we experience the closeness of God in a way that fills us spiritually, we experience harvest. These harvests that we experience on a daily basis don’t actually belong to us - they belong to God, because he is the Lord of the harvest. Our jobs, the money we earn, our pensions, our families and other relationships, every blessing, every good and perfect gift (James 1:17) all belong to the Lord of the harvest and they all come from the Lord of the harvest.
Corey points out that the meaning of harvest in Scripture has two main aspects: God’s provision for us and God’s blessing for others. While we celebrate a harvest season just once a year, we experience the spirit of harvest all the time. Each day that we go to work and earn a salary, we experience harvest. Each time we receive love from our family and friends, we experience harvest. Each time we experience the closeness of God in a way that fills us spiritually, we experience harvest. These harvests that we experience on a daily basis don’t actually belong to us - they belong to God, because he is the Lord of the harvest. Our jobs, the money we earn, our pensions, our families and other relationships, every blessing, every good and perfect gift (James 1:17) all belong to the Lord of the harvest and they all come from the Lord of the harvest.
This broadens out the title “Lord of the harvest.” God isn’t only Lord of the evangelistic harvest, nor is He only Lord of the physical harvest of fruit and veg and the seasons which produce them. He is Lord of the harvest of every aspect of our lives.
Pause and think. Do we recognise this truth? How do we express our gratitude to God daily for all his good gifts to us?
We’ve already said that every blessing in our lives is a gift from God and at this time of year we do celebrate His goodness to us in creation, the seasons, the work of farmers, the fruit and veg in our gardens and allotments and on the supermarket shelves. We recognise that this blessing is not only for us but for all people. We had opportunity last week to share something of our plenty with those who have rather less. And there are those among us who do this on a regular basis whether that’s by dropping the odd tin or packet in the collection point at the supermarket or by making a meal or baking a cake for a neighbour. The Israelites in the Old Testament were commanded not to harvest their fields and vineyards completely but to leave some for the poor. The Lord of the harvest has ownership of the harvest and He has the right to use it as He will. He gives to us not only to supply our needs, but also, through us, to supply the needs of others. Jesus said, “Freely you have received; freely give.” (Matthew 10:8) And that’s not only physical needs. We’ve already mentioned how we experience harvest every day financially and emotionally. These too are ways in which we receive freely and can give freely.
Pause and think. How can you bless other people financially and emotionally?
Our next hymn was written in the 20th century by Fred Pratt Green (1903-2000), a Methodist minister and hymnwriter, and it takes up some of the ideas we have been thinking about - the harvests of the earth and the spirit and the reward of labour. We sing together 'For the fruits of all creation' click on the link
Father God, Creator and Sustainer, Giver of all good and perfect gifts, thank you for the harvests we experience every day - the food we eat, our health, the homes we live in, our family and friends, all the blessings you pour on us every day. Help us always to be grateful and never to take your goodness for granted. Keep us mindful of those who don't enjoy all these blessings and ready to share what we have with those who need it.
We think of those who have fled from Afghanistan and Guinea, that they may be welcomed and cared for in the places they have gone to, their needs met, so that they can rebuild their lives. And for those who have not been able to escape we pray your help and protection.
We think of those in our own country who have lost their jobs and cannot find another and are suffering financial hardship; please meet their needs.
We think of those who have lost health or loved ones because of Covid-19; please comfort and strengthen them.
We think of those who have no settled home; please help them to find good shelter and support. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Our closing hymn is the oldest of our hymns today. It was written in 1623 by John Milton (1608-1674), when he was just 15 years old as a paraphrase of Psalm 136. We sing together 'Let Us, With A Gladsome Mind' click on the link
Bless to us, O God, the sun that shines above us, the rain that falls upon us, the earth that sustains us, the air that surrounds us, the love that binds us. May God, who has made us, who loves us and who gives us life, bless and keep us, now and always. Amen.
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