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Showing posts from April, 2021

e-Service - 25 April 2021

Mexborough Baptist Church Sunday 25th April 2021 We're looking forward to a time in the summer when we will be meeting together in person, in church, to worship the Lord together. A number of the Psalms reflect the desire of God's people to be in God's house; they're called 'songs of ascents' as they would be sung as people climbed the hill to Jerusalem and the Temple. One of these is Psalm 122 which begins 'I rejoiced with those who said to me, “Let us go to the house of the Lord.” Our first hymn is based on this psalm - 'How pleased and blest was I' click on the link       Another song of ascent is Psalm 134   Praise the Lord, all you servants of the Lord who minister by night in the house of the Lord.   Lift up your hands in the sanctuary and praise the Lord.   May the Lord bless you from Zion, he who is the Maker of heaven and earth .   This psalm is appropriate for the New Testament character Enid will introduce us to later in ...

e-Service - 18 April 2021

Mexborough Baptist Church Sunday 18th April 2021 We welcome everyone to the service today - wherever you are, whatever time of day it is, may God bless our gathering.   Call to Worship   How very good and pleasant it is when kindred live together in unity! It is like the precious oil on the head, running down upon the beard, on the beard of Aaron,   running down over the collar of his robes. It is like the dew of Hermon, which falls on the mountains of Zion.    For there the Lord ordained his blessing, life for evermore. Psalm 133   This psalm celebrates the blessing of good family life, whether that's our natural families or as the family of God. We're all looking forward to being together more as families and the family of God, but even as we are still scattered we are still family. We gather together as we share this service and our first song reminds us that Jesus is with us - 'As we are gathered, Jesus is here'  click...

e-Service - 11 April 2021

Mexborough Baptist Church Sunday 11th April 2021 Today we will be sharing communion later in the service; you may wish to get your bread and wine/juice ready now. You will also need your Bible handy.   As evening fell on Good Friday, everyone thought it was all over. Jesus' family and disciples grieved and contemplated life without him. The Jewish religious leaders rejoiced that the heretic blasphemer was dead. The Roman governor was pleased that he had averted a riot and got rid of another troublemaker. That was Friday evening. But then came Sunday morning...   We sing together Low in the Grave He Lay click on the link     Prayer    Lord Jesus, we praise you that you rose from the dead on that first Easter Sunday morning and proved that you are stronger than death. You took all our sin and shame and bore it in your body on the cross, paying the price of our ransom, wiping out our debt, dying the death that was rightfully ours. Your rising from th...

Easter Sunday 2021

  Mexborough Baptist Church     Sunday 4th April 2021   Easter Sunday Christ is risen!   He is risen indeed!  Hallelujah!   We welcome everyone to this wondrous day and join with Christians all over the world to celebrate the resurrection as we sing together - as loudly as you want! - 'Jesus Christ is risen today'   click on the link      Jesus really has risen from the dead.  He is alive for evermore, Amen!   click on the link   The children are enjoying their Easter crafts and Easter eggs (kindly donated by Spar) and a booklet - 'The First Easter'.  Look out for pictures in the EXTRA.  If you would like to know what the children have been up to, here's an image of the activity craft sheet. You may wonder what eggs have got to do with Easter.  Have you ever heard of Resurrection Eggs?  I hadn't until I saw these eggs full of surprises   click on th...

Easter Saturday 2021

Mexborough Baptist Church Saturday 3rd April 2021 BIG BEN PRAYER at 12 noon, 29 March - 3 April 2021 All through this hour,  Lord, be my guide,  That by thy power  No foot shall slide.  Our Holy Week reflection for today is led by Jane and David Horne of Cwmbran Salvation Army, and is entitled 'Lying in wait'. click on the link    Please read Luke 23:50-56 Easter Saturday is a strange day, a nothing day. All the action and emotion of Friday is over. Sunday is still to come. What is Saturday all about? One way of looking at it is that God rested click on the link    Lord God, on the Sabbath Jesus rested. He was in the grave. He had finished his work. To most people’s eyes, it looked as if it were all over. He was dead and buried. But only as a seed dies when it is planted in the earth, not to decay, but to spring to new life. Teach us to take refuge in you when we are afraid. Teach us that death is not our end. Teach us to hope always i...

Good Friday 2021

Mexborough Baptist Church Friday 2nd April 2021 Good Friday   BIG BEN PRAYER at 12 noon, 29 March - 3 April 2021 All through this hour,  Lord, be my guide,  That by thy power  No foot shall slide.  Our Holy Week reflection for Good Friday is led by Jane and David Horne of Cwmbran Salvation Army, and is entitled 'King of kings'. click on the link     Please read John 18:1-40 , John 19:1-42 ; Isaiah 52:13-15 ; Isaiah 53:1-12 ; Hebrews 10:16-25 ; Psalm 22   Jesus died the cruellest and most horrific of deaths but, even in his intense agony and pain on the cross, he forgives. Click on the link     Lord God, Jesus cried out to you on the cross, “Why have you forsaken me?”   You seemed so far from his cry and from his distress.   Those who stood at the foot of the cross wondered where you were, as they saw Jesus mocked and shamed and killed.   Where were you then?   Lord God, we, to...

Maundy Thursday 2021

Mexborough Baptist Church           Thursday 1st April 2021 BIG BEN PRAYER at 12 noon, 29 March - 3 April 2021  All through this hour,  Lord, be my guide,  That by thy power  No foot shall slide.  Our Holy Week reflection for today, Maundy Thursday, is led by Jane and David Horne of Cwmbran Salvation Army, and is entitled ' Waiting ' .  click on the link       Please read  John 13:1-17 ; John 13:34-35 Lord God, you sent your Son into the world, and before His hour had come, He washed his disciples’ feet. You had given all things into His hands. He had come from you, and was going to you, and what did he do? He knelt down on the floor, and washed His friends’ feet. He was their teacher and their Lord, yet he washed their feet. Lord God, help us learn from his example; help us to do as he has done for us. The world will know we are his disciples if we love one another. Strengthen our hands and our w...